Clip on weights
A universal colour coding system is used for all wheel weights and can be found on our order form, catalogues, and wheel gauge.

Most commonly used on passenger vehicles with alloy or steel wheels. Available in quarter ounce increments up to four ounces. (0.25 - 4 oz.)

For use on most domestic vehicles with alloy wheels prior to 1995. Available in quarter ounce increments up to three ounces. (0.25 - 3 oz.)

For use on most North American vehicles with alloy wheels. Available in quarter ounce increments up to three ounces. (0.25 - 3 oz.)

For use on some light trucks and SUV’s with alloy or steel wheels. Available in quarter ounce increments up to three ounces. (0.25 - 3 oz.)

For use on most Japanese vehicles with alloy wheels. Available in five gram increments up to sixty grams.
(5 - 60 gr.)

For use on some European and Asian vehicles with alloy wheels. Available in five gram increments up to sixty grams.
(5 - 60 gr.)
Adhesive weights
With their universal application abilities, our adhesive weights are an excellent alternative to traditional clip on weights. Our weights are manufactured with a high quality foam adhesive, tested to survive in our North American climate changes. Our steel adhesive weights have a polyester powder coat applied to prevent corrosion, discoloration and protect from the elements.
Steel Adhesive Weights
Our top selling adhesive weights, available in 1/4 ounce, 1/2 ounce and 1 ounce strips or rolls with a grey or black powder coat to accommodate to most commonly coloured rims.
Available with white tape, black tape or AWT (all weather tape)

Quarter ounce options (0.25 oz.)
Grey powder coating
PC025-28FE - 336 weights/box, 28 strips/box, 12 weights/strip.
PC025-52FE - 624 weights/box, 52 strips/box, 12 weights/strip.
PC025-850RFE - 850 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
Black powder coating
PC025-28FE - 336 weights/box, 28 strips/box, 12 weights/strip.
PC025-850RFE -850 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
Half ounce options (0.50 oz.)
Grey powder coating
PC050-28FE - 224 weights/box, 28 strips/box, 8 weights/strip.
PC050-R280FE - 280 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
Black powder coating
PC050-28FE - 224 weights/box, 28 strips/box, 8 weights/strip.
PC050-R280FE - 280 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
1 ounce options (1.00 oz.)
Grey powder coating
PC100-16FE - 96 weights/box, 16 strips/box, 6 weights/strip.
PC100-R200FE - 200 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
Black powder coating
PC100-16FE - 96 weights/box, 16 strips/box, 6 weights/strip.
PC100-R200FE - 200 weights/roll, 1 roll/box.
Lead Adhesive Weights
Our lead adhesive weights are a common alternative to our steel adhesive weights as they offer a bit more flexibility and can be cut to size. Available in 1/4 ounce, 1/2 ounce, and 1 ounce strips

Size options
PC025L (0.25 oz.) - 360 weights/box, 30 strips/box, 12 weights/strip.
PC050 (0.50 oz.) - 336 weights/box, 28 strips/box, 12 weights/strip.
PC100-SMBOX (1.00 oz.) - 144 weights/ box, 24 strips/box, 6 weights/strips
PC200 (2.00 oz.) - 64 weights/ box, 16 strips/box, 4 weights/strips
Lead Wheel Weights are available only to our US customers